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August Rush it is an up-to-date reworking of the Oliver Twist story by Charles Dickens.

A boy named Evan Taylor (Freddie Highmore) lives in an orphanage, all the while believing that his parents are alive. He believes the music that he hears all around him (which others interpret as background noise) is his parents communicating with him. He meets a counselor, Richard Jeffries (Terrence Howard), of the New York Child Services Department. Evan tells Jeffries that he does not want to be adopted, because he believes his parents are still alive and will come to collect him eventually.

Through a series of flashbacks, his parents are revealed to be Lyla Novacek, (Keri Russell), a famous concert cellist, and Louis Connelly (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), an Irish guitarist and lead singer of a rock band. Lyla and Louis spent one romantic night together and never saw each other again, being forced to separate by Lyla's domineering father. Lyla became pregnant, but her father did not approve, wanting instead for Lyla to have a successful career without the obstacle of a child. After an argument with her father, Lyla ran out of a restaurant and was hit by a car. While in the hospital, she gave birth to a son. Afterward, she was told by her father that her child had died, although he had actually been delivered successfully and then been given up for adoption by her father, who forged Lyla's signature on the necessary paperwork. Louis has never forgotten Lyla and does not know about Evan. Both have since given up performance careers; Lyla is a music teacher in Chicago and Louis is an unhappy financial minion in San Francisco.

Evan believes deeply that as long as he follows the music he hears and reacts to it, he will have a chance to be found by his parents. He runs away from the state institution and makes his way to New York City, where he is taken in by a man known as "Wizard" (Robin Williams), who houses various orphans and runaways, employing them to play music on the streets and taking a large cut of their tips. Evan immediately proves to be a musical child prodigy. Wizard enlists him and gives him the name "August Rush", convincing him he will be sent back to the orphanage if his real name is ever discovered.

Lyla only discovers that her son is alive when her father, knowing that he is dying, confesses what actually happened. She immediately sets out to New York to look for her 11-year-old son. At about the same time, Louis reconciles with his bandmates at his brother's birthday party when they play a video of him singing the song he wrote about Lyla eleven years previous. Louis becomes incredibly emotional at the video because he suddenly remembers all the old feelings he has for Lyla as he listens to the songs words. His girlfriend becomes slightly jealous and when he attempts to leave, his brother goads him into a fight. After Louis screams at his brother to hit him, they laugh it off but his girlfriend looks creeped and runs out. She tells him (in the deleted scene) that she doesn't know him and that Lyla was very lucky to have a poet that was in love with her. She drives off as Louis sinks to the floor with Lyla on his mind. He then fingers his old guitar for the first time in eleven years and underneath it he finds a picture of him and Lyla asleep after that night. He stares at the photo with love and sorrow in his eyes. He also makes the effort to track down Lyla, learning that she lives in Chicago. He travels there, but misses her (she has traveled to New York in search of her son). A neighbor tells Louis that Lyla's on her honeymoon (this is a misunderstanding, as Lyla lives with a friend who still actively plays the violin).

When the New York City police raid Wizard's makeshift domicile (an abandoned theater/playhouse), Evan escapes and takes refuge in a church. Here a young girl with a great singing voice befriends him - the lyrics of the whole group encouraging the boy with words to not give up on reaching his goal. Found playing a majestic pipe organ, he again impresses with his natural musical talent and so the minister enrolls Evan at the Juilliard School as "August Rush." A work he composes is chosen to be performed by the New York Philharmonic in Central Park, but Wizard, who has tracked him down, barges into a rehearsal and claims to be the boy's father. Put to the test, after Wizard blackmails him by saying he knows his real name, Evan reluctantly follows him back to his life of performing music on the streets.

Meanwhile, Lyla has discovered Evan's identity and has decided to stay in New York while searching for her son. While there, she decides to resume her cello career. She is then chosen to play in the same concert, which features Evan's piece (although it is billed as the composition of "August Rush"), so she is unaware of the connection. Louis, being wrongly told that Lyla has since married, also returns to New York to resume playing with his former band. In perfect dramatic irony, he has a chance meeting with Evan in Washington Square Park and they play music together - all the while neither knowing who the other is. When they play a piece together, they realize that they are very similar yet uniquely different in the way they play. Louis suggests the boy have faith, and the dad also lodges a thought in the boy's mind that if he had a concert at Central Park, he would not miss it. When they part, Evan stares after him feeling drawn toward him. Louis walks away and keeps looking back at Evan and can't figure out why it is that he's drawn to him, not knowing that it his parental instinct calling him back.

On the night of the concert, Wizard is in the process of taking Evan away, but the boy makes the decision to leave and declares it to his captor - favoring the idea of performing at his concert. Although Wizard tries to stop him, Evan makes a run for it - and gets away from him with the help of Arthur, the young musician whose place Evan had taken in Wizard's eyes. From the subway near Central Park, Evan hears Lyla's cello playing and makes his way to the park. The principal of the Juilliard School is just about to announce that the composer is not present for the performance, when the young girl who befriended him at the church tells her that he has arrived. She shows a confident smile as it's happened as the minister who prayed for Evan had said that Evan would be just fine.

In the meantime, Louis races to the park after he sees Evan's pseudonym along with Lyla's name on a sign billing the concert. Louis searches for Lyla in the crowd as soon as she starts walking to her son on stage. Lyla then stops and stares in awe while Evan closes his eyes and wishes harder. Then Louis turns and sees Lyla standing before him. She runs towards the stage and Louis follows her, never taking his eyes off her for a second for fear of losing her again. He then walks to her and slips his hand in hers. She reacts and becomes emotional as she has finally found the son she lost and the man she loves who is the father of her child. She then closes her hand around his and they smile as soon as Evan opens his eyes. Evan conducts his piece while his parents stand by and watch their son, and at its conclusion, he turns around to see Lyla and Louis standing hand in hand. He apparently makes the connection that they are his parents, although he has never met Lyla before that moment. She smiles in awe at him and Louis nods his head slowly with tears in his eyes. Evan smiles and looks up at the moon that has reunited the family saying "music is all around, all you have to do is listen."