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【原 片 名】Challenge of the Gobots
【出品公司】Hanna-Barbera Productions




导读:2016年5月16日,Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔?桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)在加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的毕业典礼上发表演讲。她首次公开谈论丈夫一年前突然离世时自己的心路历程:“我无法告诉你们我在生活中学会的所有事情。今天我会试着告诉你们我在死亡中学到的事情。”



大家对桑德伯格一定不陌生:Facebook的COO、《向前一步》(Lean In: Women, Work, andthe Will to Lead)一书的作者。

年多前,桑德伯格的丈夫Dave Goldberg在他们墨西哥度假时因心脏问题突然去世。当时,桑德伯格曾写过一篇感人肺腑的文章,其中写道:“在这30天里我度过了30年,我多了30年的悲伤,也多了30年的智慧。”(I have lived thirty years in these thirty days. I am thirty years sadder. I feel like I am thirty years wiser.)




Thank you, Marie. And thank you esteemed members of the faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, and squirming siblings. Congratulations to all of you…and especially to the magnificent Berkeley graduating class of 2016!
It is a privilege to be here at Berkeley, which has produced so many Nobel Prize winners, Turing Award winners, astronauts, members of Congress, Olympic gold medalists…. and that’s just the women!
Berkeley has always been ahead of the times. In the 1960s, you led the Free Speech Movement. Back in those days, people used to say that with all the long hair, how do we even tell the boys from the girls? We now know the answer: manbuns.
Early on, Berkeley opened its doors to the entire population. When this campus opened in 1873, the class included 167 men and 222 women. It took my alma mater another ninety years to award a single degree to a single woman.
One of the women who came here in search of opportunity was Rosalind Nuss. Roz grew up scrubbing floors in the Brooklyn boardinghouse where she lived. She was pulled out of high school by her parents to help support their family. One of her teachers insisted that her parents put her back into school—and in 1937; she sat where you are sitting today and received a Berkeley degree. Roz was my grandmother. She was a huge inspiration to me and I’m so grateful that Berkeley recognized her potential. I want to take a moment to offer a special congratulations to the many here today who are the first generation in their families to graduate from college. What a remarkable achievement.
Today is a day of celebration. A day to celebrate all the hard work that got you to this moment.
Today is a day of thanks. A day to thank those who helped you get here—nurtured you, taught you, cheered you on, and dried your tears. Or at least the ones who didn’t draw on you with a Sharpie when you fell asleep at a party.
Today is a day of reflection. Because today marks the end of one era of your life and the beginning of something new.
A commencement address is meant to be a dance between youth and wisdom. You have the youth. Someone comes in to be the voice of wisdom—that’s supposed to be me. I stand up here and tell you all the things I have learned in life, you throw your cap in the air, you let your family take a million photos –don’t forget to post them on Instagram —and everyone goes home happy.
Today will be a bit different. We will still do the caps and you still have to do the photos. But I am not here to tell you all the things I’ve learned in life. Today I will try to tell you what I learned in death.
I have never spoken publicly about this before. It’s hard. But I will do my very best not to blow my nose on this beautiful Berkeley robe.
One year and thirteen days ago, I lost my husband, Dave. His death was sudden and unexpected. We were at a friend’s fiftieth birthday party in Mexico. I took a nap. Dave went to work out. What followed was the unthinkable—walking into a gym to find him lying on the floor. Flying home to tell my children that their father was gone. Watching his casket being lowered into the ground.
For many months afterward, and at many times since, I was swallowed up in the deep fog of grief—what I think of as the void—an emptiness that fills your heart, your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even to breathe.
Dave’s death changed me in very profound ways. I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss. But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again. I learned that in the face of the void—or in the face of any challenge—you can choose joy and meaning.
I’m sharing this with you in the hopes that today, as you take the next step in your life, you can learn the lessons that I only learned in death. Lessons about hope, strength, and the light within us that will not be extinguished.
Everyone who has made it through Cal has already experienced some disappointment. You wanted an A but you got a B. OK, let’s be honest—you got an A- but you’re still mad. You applied for an internship at Facebook, but you only got one from Google. She was the love of your life… but then she swiped left.Game of Thrones the show has diverged way too much from the books—and you bothered to read all four thousand three hundred and fifty-two pages.
You will almost certainly face more and deeper adversity. There’s loss of opportunity: the job that doesn’t work out, the illness or accident that changes everything in an instant. There’s loss of dignity: the sharp sting of prejudice when it happens. There’s loss of love: the broken relationships that can’t be fixed. And sometimes there’s loss of life itself.
Some of you have already experienced the kind of tragedy and hardship that leave an indelible mark. Last year, Radhika, the winner of the University Medal, spoke so beautifully about the sudden loss of her mother.
The question is not if some of these things will happen to you. They will. Today I want to talk about what happens next. About the things you can do to overcome adversity, no matter what form it takes or when it hits you. The easy days ahead of you will be easy. It is the hard days—the times that challenge you to your very core—that will determine who you are. You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive.
A few weeks after Dave died; I was talking to my friend Phil about a father-son activity that Dave was not here to do. We came up with a plan to fill in for Dave. I cried to him, “But I want Dave.” Phil put his arm around me and said, “Option A is not available. So let’s just kick the shit out of option B.”
We all at some point live some form of option B. The question is: What do we do then?
As a representative of Silicon Valley, I’m pleased to tell you there is data to learn from. After spending decades studying how people deal with setbacks, psychologist Martin Seligman found that there are three P’s—personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence—that are critical to how we bounce back from hardship. The seeds of resilience are planted in the way we process the negative events in our lives.
The first P is personalization—the belief that we are at fault. This is different from taking responsibility, which you should always do. This is the lesson that not everything that happens to us happens because of us.
When Dave died, I had a very common reaction, which was to blame myself. He died in seconds from a cardiac arrhythmia. I poured over his medical records asking what I could have—or should have—done. It wasn’t until I learned about the three P’s that I accepted that I could not have prevented his death. His doctors had not identified his coronary artery disease. I was an economics major; how could I have?
Studies show that getting past personalization can actually make you stronger. Teachers who knew they could do better after students failed adjusted their methods and saw future classes go on to excel. College swimmers who underperformed but believed they were capable of swimming faster did. Not taking failures personally allows us to recover—and even to thrive.
The second P is pervasiveness—the belief that an event will affect all areas of your life. You know that song “Everything is awesome?” This is the flip: “Everything is awful.” There’s no place to run or hide from the all-consuming sadness.
The child psychologists I spoke to encouraged me to get my kids back to their routine as soon as possible. So ten days after Dave died, they went back to school and I went back to work. I remember sitting in my first Facebook meeting in a deep, deep haze. All I could think was, “What is everyone talking about and how could this possibly matter?” But then I got drawn into the discussion and for a second—a brief split second—I forgot about death.
That brief second helped me see that there were other things in my life that were not awful. My children and I were healthy. My friends and family were so loving and they carried us—quite literally at times.
The loss of a partner often has severe negative financial consequences, especially for women. So many single mothers—and fathers—struggle to make ends meet or have jobs that don’t allow them the time they need to care for their children. I had financial security, the ability to take the time off I needed, and a job that I did not just believe in, but where it’s actually OK to spend all day on Facebook. Gradually, my children started sleeping through the night, crying less, playing more.
The third P is permanence—the belief that the sorrow will last forever. For months, no matter what I did, it felt like the crushing grief would always be there.
We often project our current feelings out indefinitely—and experience what I think of as the second derivative of those feelings. We feel anxious—and then we feel anxious that we’re anxious. We feel sad—and then we feel sad that we’re sad. Instead, we should accept our feelings—but recognize that they will not last forever. My rabbi told me that time would heal but for now I should “lean in to the suck.” It was good advice, but not really what I meant by “lean in.”
None of you need me to explain the fourth P…which is, of course, pizza from Cheese Board.
But I wish I had known about the three P’s when I was your age. There were so many times these lessons would have helped.
Day one of my first job out of college, my boss found out that I didn’t know how to enter data into Lotus 1-2-3. That’s a spreadsheet—ask your parents. His mouth dropped open and he said, ‘I can’t believe you got this job without knowing that”—and then walked out of the room. I went home convinced that I was going to be fired. I thought I was terrible at everything… but it turns out I was only terrible at spreadsheets. Understanding pervasiveness would have saved me a lot of anxiety that week.
I wish I had known about permanence when I broke up with boyfriends. It would’ve been a comfort to know that feeling was not going to last forever, and if I was being honest with myself… neither were any of those relationships.
And I wish I had understood personalization when boyfriends broke up with me. Sometimes it’s not you—it really is them. I mean, that dude never showered.
And all three P’s ganged up on me in my twenties after my first marriage ended in divorce. I thought at the time that no matter what I accomplished, I was a massive failure.
The three P’s are common emotional reactions to so many things that happen to us—in our careers, our personal lives, and our relationships. You’re probably feeling one of them right now about something in your life. But if you can recognize you are falling into these traps, you can catch yourself. Just as our bodies have a physiological immune system, our brains have a psychological immune system—and there are steps you can take to help kick it into gear.
One day my friend Adam Grant, a psychologist, suggested that I think about how much worse things could be. This was completely counterintuitive; it seemed like the way to recover was to try to find positive thoughts. “Worse?” I said. “Are you kidding me? How could things be worse?” His answer cut straight through me: “Dave could have had that same cardiac arrhythmia while he was driving your children.” Wow. The moment he said it, I was overwhelmingly grateful that the rest of my family was alive and healthy. That gratitude overtook some of the grief.
Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience. People who take the time to list things they are grateful for are happier and healthier. It turns out that counting your blessings can actually increase your blessings. My New Year’s resolution this year is to write down three moments of joy before I go to bed each night. This simple practice has changed my life. Because no matter what happens each day, I go to sleep thinking of something cheerful. Try it. Start tonight when you have so many fun moments to list— although maybe do it before you hit Kip’s and can still remember what they are.
Last month, eleven days before the anniversary of Dave’s death, I broke down crying to a friend of mine. We were sitting—of all places—on a bathroom floor. I said: “Eleven days. One year ago, he had eleven days left. And we had no idea.” We looked at each other through tears, and asked how we would live if we knew we had eleven days left.
As you graduate, can you ask yourselves to live as if you had eleven days left? I don’t mean blow everything off and party all the time— although tonight is an exception. I mean live with the understanding of how precious every single day would be. How precious every day actually is.
A few years ago, my mom had to have her hip replaced. When she was younger, she always walked without pain. But as her hip disintegrated, each step became painful. Now, even years after her operation, she is grateful for every step she takes without pain—something that never would have occurred to her before.
As I stand here today, a year after the worst day of my life, two things are true. I have a huge reservoir of sadness that is with me always—right here where I can touch it. I never knew I could cry so often—or so much.
But I am also aware that I am walking without pain. For the first time, I am grateful for each breath in and out—grateful for the gift of life itself. I used to celebrate my birthday every five years and friends’ birthdays sometimes. Now I celebrate always. I used to go to sleep worrying about all the things I messed up that day—and trust me that list was often quite long. Now I try really hard to focus on each day’s moments of joy.
It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude—gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, the laughter of my children. My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude—not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.
There are so many moments of joy ahead of you. That trip you always wanted to take. A first kiss with someone you really like. The day you get a job doing something you truly believe in. Beating Stanford. (Go Bears!) All of these things will happen to you. Enjoy each and every one.
I hope that you live your life—each precious day of it—with joy and meaning. I hope that you walk without pain—and that you are grateful for each step.
And when the challenges come, I hope you remember that anchored deep within you is the ability to learn and grow. You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. Like a muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it. In that process you will figure out who you really are—and you just might become the very best version of yourself.
Class of 2016, as you leave Berkeley, build resilience.
Build resilience in yourselves. When tragedy or disappointment strike, know that you have the ability to get through absolutely anything. I promise you do. As the saying goes, we are more vulnerable than we ever thought, but we are stronger than we ever imagined.
Build resilient organizations. If anyone can do it, you can, because Berkeley is filled with people who want to make the world a better place. Never stop working to do so—whether it’s a boardroom that is not representative or a campus that’s not safe. Speak up, especially at institutions like this one, which you hold so dear. My favorite poster at work reads, “Nothing at Facebook is someone else’s problem.” When you see something that’s broken, go fix it.
Build resilient communities. We find our humanity—our will to live and our ability to love—in our connections to one another. Be there for your family and friends. And I mean in person. Not just in a message with a heart emoji.
Lift each other up, help each other kick the shit out of option B—and celebrate each and every moment of joy.
You have the whole world in front of you. I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Congratulations, and Go Bears!


开发商:Westwood Studios
又译《红色警报》,可以确信这个简称来源于WINDOWS版红色警报的启动程序-RA95-意为红色警报WIN95版,包含《Counterstrike》和《Aftermath》两部资料片。 1996年
发行2CD 1.04E 即所谓的原始版。
发行资料片COUNTERSTRIKE (危机任务) 单CD 版本号:1.07E
安装前需先安装原版;包含1.04中的任务,增加了16个新任务及隐藏的4个任务; 新加入106幅Missions地图。
发行资料片 AFTERMATH (突发事件)单CD 版本号:2.00Eam
包含1.04中的任务,增加了18个新任务, 新加入100幅Missions地图;
为了使《红色警戒1》能在新的操作系统下使用,WestWood后来出了半 的补丁,升级到3.03版本。 2001年发行。
开发商:Westwood Studios
发行日期: 2000/10/15
开发商:Westwood Studios
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)(发明了时间机器与光棱技术)
谭雅·亚当斯(Tanya Adams)(美国女特工,擅长双枪与C5爆破)
麦克·杜根(Michael Dugan)
艾娃·李(Eva Lee)
亚历山大·罗曼诺夫(Alexander Romanov)(俄国沙皇的后代)
菁英战斗兵(BORIS)(鲍里斯) 游戏简介
游戏故事描述经过多年征战之后,盟军终于获得了胜利,瑟缩在克里姆林宫城内的俄军,决定孤注一掷:运用实验性的时间旅行装置。任务目标:回到过去,在爱因斯坦创造出带领盟军迈向胜利的科技之前将他干掉。顺利完成任务后,俄军回到现代,发现盟军实力确实削弱不少。然而,在他们来得及庆祝之前,却发现他们的行动造就了新的威胁以及世界强权 - 神秘、科技先进的旭日帝国;旭日帝国崇尚科技,设计出来的部队融合科幻、武术和机械人文化的产物。
开发商:Electronic Arts (EA,美国艺电)
操作系统:Windows XP/Vista 32-bit(不支持64-bit)
处理器:XP 2.0GHz;Vista 2.2GHz(Pentium 4、Athlon XP 2000+);支持多核心
硬盘:Media 6GB;EA Link 12GB
显卡:GeForce 6800或Radeon X1800、兼容DirectX 9.0c
声卡:兼容DirectX 9.0c(创新Sound Blaster Audigy在Vista下需要P4 2.6GHz;不支持Yamaha Xwave-512)
1. 列宁格勒-伯劳与荆棘
2. 卡斯纳45-背信马戏团
4. 日内瓦-红军突进
1. 布莱顿海滩-红色威胁来袭
2. 戛纳-鲨鱼及诱饵
4. 直布罗陀-我们敌人的敌人
5. 北海-深不可测的要塞
7. 东京港-永不见日
8. 哈瓦纳-巨熊陷阱
9. 列宁格勒-月亮永远无法到手
1. 沃尔库塔-急冻之父之死
3. 敖德萨-看这强大的剑圣
4. 珍珠港-愚蠢舰队之墓
5. 太平洋-突袭玄武
6. 圣莫妮卡-玄武之怒
7. 横滨-港湾蛮人
8. 莫斯科-粉碎、克林姆林宫、粉碎
9. 阿姆斯特丹-颤抖的最后红花
该资料片的背景设定在《红色警戒3》本传之后,苏维埃帝国摇摇欲坠,旭日帝国急于东山再起,欧美联盟看似获胜但却被内部腐败困扰。资料片将加入新的作战单位和四场小型战役,每个阵营一场,另外一场则以旭日帝国Yuriko的视角展开,此外还有指挥官挑战模式(Commander's Challenge)。《红色警戒3:起义》已于2009年3月份发售。
EA曾暗示说会带来一个震撼性的消息,这就是“命令与征服”系列新作:《命令与征服:红色警戒3》(Command Conquer: Red Alert 3,已经发行。
游戏背景为苏维埃阵营试图回溯过去以期改变第三次世界大战的进程。这场大战在三方之间展开:苏方、盟方、旭日帝国(Empire of the Rising Sun),他们的军队装备有各种疯狂的武器和古怪的科技,玩家将在战场上与熟悉的特斯拉线圈、基诺夫空艇、超时空传送、智能海豚、幻影坦克重逢,军队中更有装甲熊、海上战斗碉堡等新型武器。“红警系列游戏向来以其富有内涵的、变化多端及花样翻新的玩法面向富有挑战精神的游戏玩家,但它也属于那种能用丰富的故事情节、即刻上手的运作机制,和趣味第一的设计来吸引更多休闲玩家的少数异类”。
EA洛杉矶分部总经理Mike Verdu表示说,“我们的设计团队将以红警3来呈现原有特色,比如合作通关,新老玩家都能收获同等乐趣。在红警3里,亲朋好友始终是你的坚强后盾。”
暌违多年,众多玩家期待的《红色警戒3》现身,EA 网站正式公开《终极动员令:红色警戒3》PC 中文限定版、中文背包限定版内容,2008年10月28日在台上市。
PC 中文限定版内容
美商艺电台湾 正式公开 PC 中文版、中文限定版与中文背包限定版,其中限定版内容加送全球限量典藏铁盒、收录 Hell March 与 Hell March 2 重新编曲以及 Hell March 原作编曲家 Frank Klepacki 全新的 Hell March 3 创作音乐原声带 CD、五张独家多人/遭遇战地图,还有一张幕后花絮 DVD 等,内含铁幕的复苏 (Raising the Iron Curtain)幕后花絮纪录片、构想草图画面集锦、真人影片拍摄漏网镜头、向女主角们致敬影片介绍与终极动员战情室特别专辑(终极动员令未来方向专访、单位兵种特色剪辑、主要多人对战地图介绍、研发团队大乱斗等)。
PC 背包限定版除上述赠品外,还将有《红色警戒3》logo 的后背包。
在真人电影方面,杰玛·阿特金森(Gemma Atkinson)[征服者注:扮演伊娃·麦肯纳]和伊娃娜·米莉塞维奇(Ivana Milicevic) [征服者注:扮演达莎·费多洛维奇]将在回归演员之列,其余演出阵容很快将陆续公布。
“《起义》在很多方面来说都是来自CC社区的回馈结晶,”EALA高级制作人Amer Ajami说,“我们正在为玩家带来超乎他们想要的——更多快速、流畅、有趣的游戏过程,更多在RA3里面没说完的故事,以及更多好莱坞顶级演员的精彩表演。同时,我们也很激动能够为游戏注入新的活力,包括新的单位和指挥官挑战,这是玩家们磨砺技术、深入战斗的好途径。”
《红色警戒3:起义》的开发消息宣布后,EA洛杉矶的社区经理Apoc和开发团队的其他成员,在接受媒体采访以及 论坛的发言时,吸取了公布DRM加密后缺少有效沟通和信息发布的错误,面对玩家的种种疑问,及时做出了准确回答:
4、EA洛杉矶将会全力提供对《红色警戒3》的补丁和技术支持,推出各种 锦标赛,《起义》中新增的遭遇战地图也将在未来通过补丁的方式,陆续添加到《红色警戒3》中。
6、《红色警戒3:起义》将首先通过EA商店提供数字 ,但是EA洛杉矶强调这部游戏也会推出普通的零售版(很大可能是光盘载体,也有可能是类似点卡的方式,玩家购买专门的游戏 卡后通过网络进行 )


Fleischer Superman Cartoons 配音 Bud Collyer饰演Superman/Clark Kent   Joan Alexander饰演Lois Lane 第一部超人的动画诞生于1941年,是由Fleischer和帕拉蒙公司共同推出的Fleischer Superman Cartoons。总共拍摄了17集,在1941年到1943年期间在影院播放。这一系列每部仅长8分钟,但是平均每一集都几乎耗去了公司3万美金的制作费。荧屏上的超人设定在这个动画里有了第一次的变化,在最初的几集动画里,超人是被描述成:比子弹还要快,比火车头还要强劲,轻轻一跃便能飞过摩天楼,来自克利普顿星的陌生人,钢铁之子——超人。
The New Adventures of Superman 配音 Bud Collyer饰演Superman/Clark Kent   Joan Alexander饰演Lois Lane (第1季)   Julie Bennett饰演Lois Lane   Jack Grimes饰演Jimmy Olsen   Jackson Beck饰演Perry White (第1季),Narrator,Lex Luthor   Ted Knight饰演Perry White   Marvin Miller饰演Aquaman   Jerry Dexter饰演Aqualad   Olan Soule饰演Batman/Bruce Wayne,Alfred Pennyworth   Casey Kasem饰演Robin/Dick Grayson 从1966年播映到1969年,共三季。
第1季The New Adventures of Superman(1966–1967年)
第2季The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure (1967–1968年)
第3季The Batman/Superman Hour (1968–1969年)。
DC的编辑Mort Weisinger再次参加了超人电视作品的制作,而许多超人漫画的许多原始作者也参与这一动画的脚本写作,使得这一系列增色不少。这部动画的配音阵容也是异常强大的,Clark,Lois等主要角色全部由负责广播剧角色的原班人马操刀。The New Adventures of Superman是第一部把大量漫画角色带入故事的超人动画作品,外星人和许多超级罪犯第一次在电视上大规模的出现,luthor和氪石也总算出头了。这使得许多超人的漫画迷异常的兴奋,该部作品的成功也带动了之后大量超级英雄漫画的繁荣发展。在这个系列里,许多的外星人对地球的侵犯大多迫于生计,最后超人都给了他们很好的归宿。不像后世的许多外星人,看到地球第一个想到的字就是“抢”。The New Adventures of Superman这一系列一共播放了3个季度。
The Adventures of Superboy 配音 Bob Hastings饰演Superboy/Clark Kent   Janet Waldo饰演Lana Lang   Ted Knight饰演Narrator 从1966年播映到1969年,插播在The New Adventures of Superman的播出时间之中,讲述少年时代的超人和Lana以及超狗Krypto的冒险故事,共三季。
Super Friends 配音 Danny Dark饰演Superman   Olan Soule饰演Batman(1973-1983)   Adam West饰演Batman (1984-1986)   Shannon Farnon饰演Wonder Woman(1973-1983)   Connie Cawlfield 饰演Wonder Woman (1984-1985)   B.J. Ward饰演Wonder Woman (1985-1986)   Casey Kasem饰演Robin 1976-1985一时期,超人没有单独出现在电视上。替而代之的是Hanna Barbera的Super Friends系列。这是一个基于漫画中的Justice League(JLA)的超级英雄组织。在1973-1985年间,总共推出了6个系列。而Super Friend中的角色也随着时间的推移 不断的改变。除了超人,蝙蝠侠和罗宾,几乎是每个系列都要换一拨人,但是保留了老英雄带新英雄以及道德教化的故事构架。1985年这一系列的最后一部动画:The SuperPowers Team: Galactic Guardians开始播映。这是令人兴奋的一个系列,大量DC的超级英雄在这一部里大聚首,当然了,反派角色也大聚首。这一部中的cyborg扮演着正义使者的角色。想想后来漫画里那个Cyborg的表现,心寒啊。也正是经过Super Friends这个系列的铺展,超人动画中的外星人开始逐渐被塑造成热衷于侵略地球的生物。但是有一个例外,在1978的Challenge of the Super Friends的最后一集里,三个目睹地球毁灭在人类手中的外星人逆转了历史,给了人类一次重来的机会。如果抛开总总无聊的元素,Super Friends这个系列还是不错的。
Ruby-Spears Superman Cartoons 配音 Beau Weaver饰演Superman/Clark Kent   Ginny McSwain饰演Lois Lane   Mark Taylor饰演Jimmy Olsen   Stanley Ralph Ross饰演Perry White   Michael Bell饰演Lex Luthor 1988年超人诞生50周年之际,卢比-斯皮尔斯制作公司与华纳兄弟公司制作了这部动画,在CBS电视台星期6早间播出,但是只推出了第一季的13集即遭取消。
该系列的故事创作是首个以John Byrne主导的现代超人为蓝本的动画,Lex Luthor的身份也由以前系列的疯狂科学家形象变为了如今我们熟知的邪恶的亿万富翁。
Superman: The Animated Series 配音 Tim Daly饰演Superman/Clark Kent   Dana Delany饰演Lois Lane   Clancy Brown饰演Lex Luthor   David Kaufman饰演Jimmy Olsen   Corey Burton饰演Brainiac   Michael Ironside饰演Darkseid 1996年华纳推出新的超人动画Superman: The Animated Series。随着观众口味的变化以及日本动画对美国本土的影响。超人动画首次出现了明显的阴影画法。该系列的人物更是一改以往写实的风格,以简单的,甚至是带棱角的线条勾勒人物,线条并配合着大色块,使得Superman: The Animated Series中的人物,一眼就能看出其个性。超人的刚毅,果敢,永不放弃,淋漓的表现在了他那棱角分明的外形上。而这一系列里的Luthor头更光,脸更黑了。而大量DC经典人物的登场更是使得铁杆漫画迷大饱眼福。该系列的一大特点就是对许多类似于Green Lantern这样的登场人物的起源都有详细的介绍。这是继Lois Clark: The New Adventures of Superman后第二部延续superman theme音乐风格的超人电视作品。90年代开始播映的美国动画,都有一个特点,播映的时候特别喜欢把头三集连在一起放,感觉就是一个电视电影。从 Superman: The Animated Series开始,超人的动画也开始跟风。该系列的头三集总共花了90分钟讲述Clark从氪星爆炸到超人初次登场,可以说是历代动画中介绍超人最详细的了。这个首播的90分钟里,超人的父母的设定也有别于漫画,Jor-El和kara简直就是Clark和Lois的翻版。直至2000年,该片共播映了3 个季度,最后以一个混合了Batman Beyond和Justice League United的故事结束。在21世纪华纳全面进军中国市场的时候,把它和Batman: The Animated Series一起推出了中文版。很可惜的是,这次引进仍然是不全的,使得国内观众无缘很经典的第三季。但是国内频繁的重播,倒是让大多数人都有机会一睹Superman: The Animated Series的真容。
超人正义联盟Justice League/Justice League Unlimited 配音 George Newbern饰演Clark Kent / Superman   Kevin Conroy饰演Bruce Wayne / Batman   Susan Eisenberg饰演Diana / Wonder Woman   Michael Rosenbaum饰演Wally West / Flash   Phil LaMarr饰演John Stewart / Green Lantern   Carl Lumbly饰演J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter   Maria Canals Barrera饰演Shayera Hol / Hawkgirl 超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、闪电侠、鹰女、火星客和绿灯侠一共7名超级英雄组成有史以来地球上最为强大的团队,共同对抗外星人的入侵,一起保卫地球消灭来犯的外星人、巫师、超级恶棍以及各种可能出现的威胁。
Krypto: The Superdog 配音 Michael Daingerfield饰演Superman   Sam Vincent饰演Krypto   Alberto Ghisi饰演Kevin Whitney 氪星毁灭前,超人的父亲Jor-El为了把超人送到别的星球制造了一艘宇宙飞船。Jor-El在超人使用前找了只小白狗来实验,为小白狗命名为Krypto。然而在旅行途中Krypto意外的弄坏了几根电线,于是飞船令Krypto进入了深度睡眠直到到达地球。Krypto到达地球后已经成年,并和氪星人一样因地球的太阳具有了各种超能力。后来,一个名叫Kevin的9岁男孩收养了它。
超级英雄军团Legion of Super Heroes 配音 Yuri Lowenthal饰演Superman   Adam Wylie饰演Brainiac 5   Kari Wahlgren饰演Saturn Girl   Andy Milder饰演Lightning Lad   Wil Wheaton饰演Cosmic Boy   Michael Cornacchia饰演Bouncing Boy   Heather Hogan饰演Phantom Girl 《超级英雄军团》(Legion of Super Heroes)于2006年9月23日在美国CW台开播。讲述了年轻的超人Clark Kent以及一群少年超级英雄(包括闪电侠,土星女,狼人,幻影女,弹力小子)在遥远的未来发生的故事。
少年正义联盟Young Justice 配音 Nolan North饰演Superboy,Superman   Khary Payton饰演Aqualad   Jesse McCartney饰演Robin   Danica McKellar饰演Miss Martian   Jason Spisak饰演Kid Flash   Stephanie Lemelin饰演Artemis 《Young Justice》的故事发生在平行世界Earth-16,讲述的是新一代的年轻英雄们组成了少年正义联盟,在接受老一辈英雄训练和执行正义联盟安排的任务的过程中逐渐成长的故事。


  Of the Olympic symbols (Olympic Logo/Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings) by Mr Pierre DE coubertin in 1913 conceptual design, is determined by the Olympic charter, also known as the Olympic Rings Logo, it is the world's most widely cognitive Olympic games Logo. It is composed of five Olympic rings socket, there are blue, yellow, black, green and red five kinds of color. Ring from left to right, each socket, the above is blue, black and red rings, below are yellow, green ring. The whole plastic for a small rules at the bottom of the ladder.
  The Olympic Games originated from ancient Greece, ancient Greece is a myth kingdom, about the origin of the Olympic Games, nature and mythology, folklore is inseparable.
  About the legend of the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, there are many, the main has the following two kinds: one is the ancient Olympic Games was held on a regular basis for sacrifice Zeus sport activities. Another kind of legend and Zeus's son hercules. Hercules by his great strength and clinking "hercules" laudatory name. He accomplished the impossible in elis polis, less than half a day time then cleaned the king with cow dung in the bullpen, but the king didn't want to fulfill the promise to give three hundred head of cattle, in hercules flay away the king. In order to celebrate the victory, he held a sports meeting at Olympia.
  The story about the origin of ancient Olympic Games the most popular is the story of the ms pelosi at staples and wed. The king of elis in ancient Greece in order to give her daughter to pick a military both xu, persons must play their chariots are put forward. Game, there are thirteen young died under the king's spear, and 14 junior is the son of Zeus and princess sweetheart pelosi staples. In the light of love, he accepted the king's challenge bravely, finally win by wisdom. In order to celebrate the victory, pelosi staples and princess temple gate of Zeus in Olympia held a grand wedding, arranged at the meeting the chariots, pancratium match, this is the first ancient Olympic Games, ms pelosi's became the legendary founder of the ancient Olympic Games.
  In fact, the origin of the Olympic Games is closely related to the social conditions of ancient Greece. Nine to the 8th century BC, Greece clan society gradually disintegrated, the city-state system's slave society formed gradually, has established more than two hundred city-state. Polis fragmented, without a unified monarchy, between the city-state wars. To cope with the war, the city actively training soldiers. Sparta city-state children raised by the state since the age of seven, and engaged in sports, military training, military life. War needs soldiers, soldiers need strong body, and sports is to develop the powerful tools for the effective soldiers. War promoted the Greek sports development, the ancient Olympic Games also have obvious military brand.
  Continuous war makes people feel disgusted, generally eager to have a rely on to recuperate environment of peace. Later, the king and the Erie, Sparta king signed "sacred truce month" treaty. So, to be men of military training and sports competition, gradually become of peace and friendship games.
  奥林匹克标志 (Olympic Logo /Symbole Olympique/Olympic Rings)是由皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦先生于1913年构思设计的,是由《奥林匹克宪章》确定的,也被称为奥运五环标志,它是世界范围内最为人们广泛认知的奥林匹克运动会标志。它由5个奥林匹克环套接组成,有蓝、黄、黑、绿、红5种颜色。环从左到右互相套接,上面是蓝、黑、红环,下面是是黄、绿环。整个造形为一个底部小的规则梯形。  古希腊是一个神话王国,优美动人的神话故事和曲折离奇的民间传说,为古奥运会的起源蒙上一层神秘的色彩。有关古代奥运会的起源的传说有很多,最主要的有以下两种:一是古代奥林匹克运动会是为祭祀宙斯而定期举行的体育竞技活动。古代奥林匹克运动会是一种运动和宗教性的庆典。从公元前776年至公元393年它一直在古希腊城市奥林匹亚举行,在那里曾举行了292届古代奥林匹克运动会。  另一种传说与宙斯的儿子赫拉克勒斯有关。赫拉克勒斯因力大无比获“大力神”的美称。